Help Me Help You!

Nerd Fitness is growing, which makes me happy.  I really feel like a proud parent.

Which is good, because I don’t have kids, I’m not married; hell, I don’t even have a girlfriend (which is also good, because I couldn’t afford one if I did).  Might as well be proud of something, right?

As this site gets bigger, I want to make sure it’s getting better as well, which means I could really use your help by filling out the survey that I link to here.  It’s only 7 questions long, and 4 of them are multiple choice.  The quiz will literally take you 5 minutes, and you’re just watching YouTube videos anyway. After the link I talk about why I ask the questions I did.

Nerd Fitness General Survey

What do you want to read?

As I plan out the week for what I’m going to write about, I try to stick with a mix of diet, motivation, humor (shut up, I’m funny), and success stories.  Are there certain kinds of posts that you enjoy reading more than others?  Did you seriously get anything out of my post last week on squats, or would you rather just hear more about the workout routines and success of actors who prepare for movies like Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity or Gerard Butler in 300?

If I know what you’re looking for, it’s much easier for me to write what you want to read.

Message Boards

If Nerd Fitness had a website, would you join it?  I’ve seen a few really great message boards, and I’ve seen message boards where everybody yelled at each other, discounted each others’ opinions, and generally made it a hostile environment.  If I were to create a Nerd Fitness board, I envision a place where NF readers interact with each other, I answer questions that will in turn help others who might have a similar question, and the community motivates each other to become better people.  I’d rather have 10-15 legitimate posters actively contributing than thousands who just trash each other and run everybody else out.

Message boards can be scary, so I want to make sure you guys would actually get use out of it before moving forward with creating one.

My First E-Book

I’d like to put together a free e-book for loyal Nerd Fitness readers, I just want to know what you guys want in it: specific diet and exercise instruction, general tips, a compilation of Nerd Fitness success stories, or maybe even two books: one for skinny nerds looking to bulk up, and one for big nerds looking to trim down.

Let me know what you want in the book, and I’ll start writing it tomorrow.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.  Here’s the link again to the survey.


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