I want to lose weight. Eat less and move more.
I also want to be healthy. Eat less crap and more real food.
I want abs. Eat VERY clean and lift heavy, like Saint.
I want to build muscle and get bigger. Lift heavy, eat enough protein, and increase your calorie intake.
I want results. Track everything. “That which is measured gets improved.”
Do I need a gym membership? Nope.
I don’t have time to work out. Yes, you do.
I don’t like eating [specific healthy food]. Don’t eat it. Double up on [specific healthy food you DO like].
I don’t like [specific physical activity]. Then don’t do it.
I do enjoy [specific physical activity]. Good, do more of that.
Should I take [expensive supplement]? No. Spend the money you save on healthier food options.
It hurts when I do [specific exercise]. Fix your form or do a different exercise that works the same muscles.
I’m not motivated today. Now you are.
How else can I help?
Leave your quick question in the comments, I’ll give you a quick answer!
(Photo taken by my buddy Cash while we were at a fire show in Railay, Thailand back in May)