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  • Most Recent Posts

    • Ouch, I am so sorry you have had to deal with this.   "I had to go the the ER last night" is always a solid start for "I am not able to come to work today".   Definitely give yourself a break on the other things you normally do. The chores will still be there when you recover. I expect you will need a few days of extra rest after the dental problem is addressed. Take it slowly.
    • I have found that meditation gets easier to do with practice, like most things. Not that the quality of my meditation is better, just that showing up and doing it is easier.   I also am seeing a difference in my mental and emotional reactions that is more likely to be due to meditation than anything else. Hard to say if it is passivity or peace, but either one is better than anxiety or anger.     Yep. Games are a great way to relieve stress. I have been doing the same thing.     There is a certain amount of "warm body at the desk" time that management wants to see. Totally separate from your work productivity. My team has something similar. The place is deserted by 5:05pm, but no one leaves early without it being preapproved. Coming in earlier is my best option for leaving early. We get virtue points for being in the office before other people.     Progress is good. Onwards!
    • That sounds truly awful. I've been in similar places before where I hurt too much to sleep. It's a really miserable, dispiriting time.   Hopefully this dentist that you go to tomorrow offers sedation. If for no other reason than to just let you get some sleep. May you have peace now through this and may you have more on the morrow.
    • Agreed.  I think mental momentum is more important at this juncture than physical momentum, so if I can sidestep the injury on a parallel program, that is just as well.
    • Just getting caught up:  love the succulent flowers, congrats on finishing the gloves and losing 4 lbs, jelly of your ability to picnic on sea cliffs, sorry to hear you are feeling run down 🥵  Hopefully a bit of rest will have you right as rain tomorrow. 
    • That's probably not a bad idea. GMB in particular is very forgiving/encouraging of mixing and matching movement, and there's no percentage in doing stuff that's going to hurt you or exacerbate any underlying issues. I hope that the shoulder irritation clears up.
    • RenFaire looks amazing!  I'm glad you had such a good time (and a personal show!)
    • I hope you enjoyed the film!  What did you see?
    • Thanks!   Hopefully it works out.  I may substitute a GMB Vitamin workout for Elements if I think the shoulder is dodgy.  I did get that swim in today at half my usual distance, but the shoulder is definitely irritated. Hopefully nothing serious.  The swim was so lovely and meditative.        It's colored pencil!  Pencil in all its forms seems to be my jam.
    • I've been mulling on this. I really wish there were a magic button, pill, light bulb - although sometimes the light bulb does happen. Maybe rather than "spirituality" make it focusing on understanding yourself better. Then each light bulb moment where you realize "hey, I should talk to my therapist about X as I maybe realize Y thing is the root of why I do Z so maybe figuring out how to short circuit that would be helpful. For instance, I get into executive decision loops - I'll be in the kitchen doing one thing, think of 3 different things I need to do then will ping in a circle going "do this, do that, no do THAT OTHER THING". It's when I realize I've turned into a complete circle (I'm down to about 1 from 3 or 4 now) I literally tell myself (sometimes out loud) - STOP (and I literally stop) - MAKE A DECISION - think it through decide my next thing, sometimes next 3 and the order - THEN I'll action on that decision. It's the act of realizing I'm in a loop that helps me break it. I think I do this less often now, but I still will do that and can typically short circuit it quickly. I'm sure some will say that's not spirituality - but to me it's connecting with myself, my place in the now and in the world and allows me to focus without spiraling.
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