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    • Got a short walk and a bit of mando practice in. Poked at the art cupboard but could not settle to anything today. Has been very unsettled weather here so it is possibly partly to blame.    rereading holly roberds “bitten by death” series, which is really like. Have a few books lined up to reread as i feel that is a good plan. Minimal energy options are usually a good go to when i am restless as you burn so much energy getting not a lot done.     
    • Sounds like you're keeping  busy! Collecting points and having fun 😊
    • You're right! I keep forgetting: time's a grift by Big Clock to sell more timepieces.   *   Goal 1: 2/2   Goal 2: 2/2   Goal 3: 2/2     Gonna call that an air juggle. It fits.   Monday threw a bunch of obstacles in my way literally from the moment I woke up: I woke up a bit ahead of my alarm, no big deal, just lay there and listened to my white noise machine... which promptly died. Because the power was out. Meaning I woke up to three problems all at once: no working from home, no ability to do laundry and other chores, and no access to cooking for my macros.   I scrambled for it. Texted my boss to let her know I'd be late - she was cool with it - got dressed, and got out the door to the office. Cool. No big deal. No food with me, but we're lucky to have one of those fancy kiosks that has all these different food and snack options, so the real problem there would be finding stuff that was macro healthy. Fortunately, there were a bunch of protein shakes there that suited me just fine, so I had a couple of those over the course of the day as I got hungry. No issues at all beyond them not being calorically dense enough, and I'm eating at maintenance for a couple weeks and your boy needs calories to stay where he is (2700 calories by count of the macros RP assigns [!!!]). But we'll get to the solution for that problem in a bit.   Upon getting to the office, I was immediately swamped by calls from claimants wanting answers on their cases. Which isn't all that unusual and wouldn't have been a problem except I had to play phone tag with one particularly difficult claimant who wanted to argue with me via voice mail. So I'd return their call, leave a message with their answers, go to the next voicemail, update the case before returning the call to that claimant, and in the meantime get another message from the first claimant who wanted more information and couldn't be made to understand the limitations I was working under in terms of what I could give them. So it was really hard to work the quantity of cases I needed to work stay even with what the agency wants me to do to keep even with what they expect from me. Good news, though, was that I got a lot of measurable quality work done on each case I touched, and that makes up for the lack quantity. Even as frustrating as it was to have to keep coming back to the same cases over and over and over again.   So I got home in the evening and worked my overtime and got my exercises in. Since I hadn't had the time to meditate throughout the day, I did one long session later at night after showering off, which... I dunno if it was the endorphins and the circulatory stuff after a hot shower or what but I got up from that session feeling oddly trippy. In a good way. It was late o'clock, though, and I had a huge calorie deficit to make up in a limited amount of time. So I took a walk to the grocery store and got a bunch of high-fiber, high-protein options - Quest Bars, a frozen bag of peas, some prebiotic soda - and also a pint of ice cream. Because it turns out, ice cream works incredibly well as a source of emergency calories. I don't want to do it all the time - I like my own cooking too much for that, and I know enough about my bloodwork to know that's a really poor strategy in the long term as a default - but I'm pleased to know that's an option on days like Monday was.   I even managed a spot of cleaning. Even if it was just moving shit around a bit.   Today, thankfully, is off to a much easier start. I got my movement stuff done this morning already as well as the cleaning. Meditation is halfway done. Should be easily done tonight after Nerd Night shenanigans. Had to bump it up to 13 minutes total, though, after the kind of day I had yesterday. Like I said. Slow gains there, not no gains. I'm only human after all.
    • The meal plan... Tuesday - Sesame chicken, broccoli, rice, cucumber salad Wednesday - Chicken or steak burrito bowl Thursday - Cashew chicken w/ rice Friday - Nachos Saturday - Stuffed shells w/ chicken cutlet and caesar salad Sunday - Balsamic chicken, caprese salad Monday - BBQ chicken or steak, baked potato, coleslaw or broccoli  
    • Hey Sal, how is everything? Thinking of you and Bronze. I love you ❤️ 
    • Ah I loved the Witcher! I finished the main game but I don't think I got to finish the expansion. Gwent ❤️    You are killing it with this challenge! 
    • 100% up for that. Message me and we can spitball ideas back and forth.
    • Oh that sucks that they got the colour wrong again
    • Standard wfh Monday. Ran (full), physio, darebee, didn't really have much of a lunchbreak but walked extra for pilates in the eve, and got the weights in. Struggled to sleep despite reading 🤷‍♀️ but I had a difficult convo to have today, so that's probably why. It went ok but I now have to prep a bunch for the next meeting later this week. I was on my phone beyond 10:45 so that does dock me a point, but I'm kinda OK with that as it brings my total back to a multiple of 5! Oh, also I did kettlebells, and I'm going to count my pilates as it is still exercise, and maybe it'll encourage me to do some on the next bank holiday!   Yesterday: 🥗 10pts 🏃‍♀️ 10pts 🦵 5pts 🐝 5pts 🏋️‍♀️ 5pts 🚶‍♀️ 10pts  5pts 🧘‍♂️ 5pts 💧 5pts 📚 14pts Total: 380pts   Well at least being a Monday gets balanced out by having a ton of points
    • W1D7:  one DrP.  Food was spontaneous throughout the day, but I kept track of it all and came in on target even with a big bowl of ice cream in the evening.  1956 kcal   Week 1 Check-in:  scale said 217.1 lbs for an increase of 2.2 on the week.  I'm choosing to believe that's all muscle gains.    My calorie math predicted that exact amount of increase, so at least I know that I'm measuring things correctly and that my metabolism is still generally working the way it's supposed to.  I think it was just stress piling up until my brain invoked the old path-of-least-resistance (sweets) for coping.  I need to come up with something better and program that in, and unfortunately I think life is about to give me ample opportunity to try.   Week 2 dailies are going to be on hold for a while, but I'll do my best to keep running my program and updating the grid.
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