Win a Free Copy of The Rebel Fitness Guide!

Next week, I plan on officially releasing the Rebel Fitness Guide to the world (cue the fireworks).

Back on July 26th, I made a beta-version of the guide available for only 72 hours.  In those few days, over 100 rebels-in-training purchased the guide and have been leveling up their lives ever since.  During these past three weeks, I’ve been emailing, skyping, and g-chatting with these folks to get their opinions on the guide, answer any questions, and keep track of any suggestions they might have on how to improve it.

I’ve been working hard to make this e-book the best and most enjoyable method for people to get started on their journey to a healthy life full of awesomeness, and I plan on many long nights this week as I do what I can to make it absolutely perfect.  Check out the product page if you’re not sure what’s in it.

Because I’m releasing this sucker next week, I figured I might as well give away two free copies! Two is better than one, right?

How to Win Copy #1

You can win one copy here by leaving a comment on this article answering the question:

Why do you exercise?

This is why I exercise: Exercise makes me feel complete.  I have so many things I want to accomplish in life, and I can only do those things if I am healthy and in shape.  I want to be around for a long time, and I know that making an investment now and establishing good habits early will pay dividends later and allow me to watch my great-grandchildren grow up.

I love acquiring new skills (like in The Matrix), and I can only do those things if my body is prepped and ready for exciting activities.  After all, it’s tough to become proficient in Parkour, Capoeira, or rock climbing if all of my free time is spent eating Oreos, watching the Jersey Shore, and going to the doctor for unhealthy issues.  I exercise because I am inspired daily by the Nerd Fitness Community (that’s you!), and I want to continually better myself to be a good example.

I exercise because it makes me happy.

How to Win Copy #2

Become a fan of Nerd Fitness on Facebook, and comment on the latest post:

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do before you die, and how will getting in shape help you get there?

I’ll post my answer on Facebook, and then you can do the same.  I’ll pick one random winner from the comments on that post (as long as they’ve been posted before Sunday at 6pm Eastern).

Your Turn

Why do you exercise? If you’re not exercising currently, what will be your motivation to exercise next week when you pick up the Rebel Fitness Guide? (wink wink, nudge nudge)

Simply leave a comment on this post with your answer before Sunday, August 22nd, at 6PM eastern, and I’ll pick a random winner from the people that leave an answer.  If you happen to win and you already have a copy of the guide (thank you!), let me know if you have a friend you’d like to give it to and I’ll send it to them instead.

The rebellion is growing stronger by the day, and I couldn’t be more excited.




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