Turn Fitness Into a Game: New workouts, Fun Quests, and Epic Boss Battles

Today is a really cool day for me and Team Nerd Fitness, as I get to make two massive announcements.

This first announcement is about our flagship program, the Nerd Fitness Academy. 

For those who don’t know, The Academy is an online, self-paced course and fitness “quest” tracking system with over 20,000 students from every corner of the globe. We’re proud of it!

For the past six months, we’ve been diligently working on our 3rd massive Nerd Fitness Academy overhaul, and I’m fired up to tell you all about it. Our previous update brought a questing system (so you can level up by completing fitness missions) and an uber supportive private community.

This new update is even bigger! Here are some of the recent things people have said:

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Academy Testimonial 2

Academy Testimonial 3
The new updates were a lot of energy and effort – but these posts make it all worth it! We’re excited to see current members digging in and using the updates to get results.


I was so excited to share the new changes with you – I did something a little silly.

I sat down and recorded myself talking about the updates (and making nerdy jokes) inside my apartment in NYC. I then proceeded to spend a good 15 hours editing this myself, while just laughing maniacally the whole time. (It’s healthy to laugh at your own jokes, right?)

Click the image below to see me make a fool of myself, while walking through every single section of the NEW Nerd Fitness Academy.

Steve Academy Video Screenshot

(By the way If you’re already a NF Academy member, make sure you log into your account – you have received all these updates already completely free. Woot!)

Anyways, since launching the Nerd Fitness Academy in 2013, we’ve helped 20,000+ members change their lives, build a healthier relationship with food, find an amazing support group, get stronger, and look in the mirror with pride.

The support of NF Academy Members with each other is nothing short of amazing. This is also the third time we’ve overhauled and updated the Academy (with all updates free to all previous students).

Academy Testimonial 5

We’re always looking for ways to improve the experience for those in the Rebellion, and we heard two major questions from students over and over:

  • What workout should I start with?
  • How do I know when I should level up to the next workout?

Although we provided people with a ton of workout plans, the questions were valid – if we couldn’t tell you specifically what to do and when to do it, there could be room for confusion. So we set out to fix that.

Thus, we made four MAJOR changes to the NF Academy:

  1. We added all-new workout routines designed by Jim Bathurst, NF’s Master of the Fitness Universe, and 10 boss battles that let you know when you’re able to level up from one routine to the next. Yes, our boss battles involve names like Overlord Thundersquat and Captain Jacked Sparrow.
  2. 87 new multi-angle, high-definition videos demonstrating each movement. If you’ve ever wondered how to do a movement, Jim talks you through the movement and gives you pointers to remember while Staci demonstrates how to modify a movement to make it easier or more challenging.
  3. The Academy Benchmark Test: If you have ever wondered which workout to start with or what you should be doing, simply follow the instructions on our workout calibration test and it’ll tell you exactly what workout to start with! No thinking – just doing!
  4. A vastly improved mobile experience. We’ve redesigned the NF Academy’s mobile experience. If you’re somebody who wants to quickly access information or a workout from your phone at the gym, it’s easier now than ever before.

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While we have thousands of testimonials and Rebel stories from around the world of The Academy changing people’s life – we don’t want to sit back and take anything for granted.

We don’t charge existing Academy members a dime for all these updates or new workouts, videos, benchmark tests, boss battles, and new navigation… instead we gladly give it to everyone for free to help them level up even more easily (and in many cases have a lot more fun!).

If you aren’t a member of the Nerd Fitness Academy, it’s available for a single payment (or 3 monthly payments), with lifetime access to caeverything.

We’re so proud of what we built and I am confident that these workouts, the advice, and the amazing support group will be enough to help you get the lifelong results you want, permanently. No quick fixes, no 30-day rushes…

Just a healthier, stronger, and leveled up life.

Click here to check out the new and improved Academy – with brand new workouts and boss battles.

If you haven’t already joined us, give it a try and let’s talk about this on the other side (inside The Academy!). There’s a 100% 60-day money-back guarantee if you don’t immediately get into action and see improvements.

The Rebellion is Growing all over!

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Whether or not you join the 20,000 Rebels inside the Nerd Fitness Academy, there are a ton of things to look forward to here at Nerd Fitness. In case you haven’t had a chance to meet Jim Bathurst at Camp Nerd Fitness, where’s he’s been our head trainer the past two years, he’s now the Master of the Fitness Universe on Team Nerd Fitness:

Jim has 10 years experience in Personal Training and CrossFit, where he was voted Best Personal Trainer in DC, was Director of CrossFit Foggy Bottom which was voted best CrossFit Gym in DC, and internationally requested to give gymnastic seminars due to his gymnastic tutorial site BeastSkills.com. He’s competed in both Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting competitions and used to flip through hoops of fire on the University of Maryland’s Gymkana troupe.

In addition to more planned updates coming to the NF Academy, we have a ton of new free updates coming to NerdFitness.com and the same goofy, informative content you’ve come to expect. We’ll be bringing some updates to all members of the Rebellion in the future that I can’t wait to share with you, including free quests for your NF character!

I hope to see you in the new Nerd Fitness Academy, and I can’t wait to hear your success story. Nothing makes me happier than sharing stories like these:

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Ashley testimony
Academy Testimonial 7
Thank you for being part of the Rebellion, and thanks for reading this far. I’m excited to see what other awesome tools we can build for you to give you a power-up on your journey to a healthier life.

For the Rebellion!!!!

-Steve Kamb and Team NF

PS: In case you just skip to the bottom of these things because I get too wordy (guilty), go check out all of the new kick-ass stuff in the Nerd Fitness Academy, our flagship course that has 20,000+ members leveling up their lives and completing quests!

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